Our Vision

The idea of a retreat center specifically for The Christian Community has been growing for a long time, and over the last year a team has met regularly to dream it into being. Our team includes Rev. Carol Kelly, Rev. Robert Bower and a local group of architects, builders, engineers, fundraisers, planners and congregants who are enthusiastic about bringing a center into existence. 

We imagine a place where people who are far away from an altar can come for the experience of the sacraments, vibrant community life, healing gardens, deepening understanding of central theological themes, warmth, joy and renewal. Such vital and central themes as the Trinity, Good and Evil, Our Relationship to and Experience of the Living Christ, the Festivals, the Gospel of John, Life after Death or Repeated Earth Lives could be offered to those who are already familiar with The Christian Community and those who are not. 

We need young people! They need somewhere to gather ! They need our wisdom and we need their insight. They need places to explore together, to learn skills, to share their own skills too! This is for individuals, for the local community, for the wider North American Christian Community and the worldwide movement. It is for those newly encountering Anthroposophia and the mystical streams working into this center.

Please join us in incarnating this vision, which will serve us all!